Web scraping can be a daunting task, especially when faced with challenges like anti-bot measures and CAPTCHA.

Fortunately, with the right tools, you can automate this process and make data collection effortless. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage the capabilities of Scrappey—a robust web scraping API—and n8n, a powerful workflow automation tool, to create the ultimate automated web scraping workflow.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with step-by-step instructions to set up your own automated web scraper, share it with the n8n community, and start making your data collection processes more efficient and hassle-free.


Web scraping is an invaluable technique for extracting data from websites, but it often comes with a host of challenges, including handling anti-bot measures, rotating proxies, and solving CAPTCHAs. This is where Scrappey and n8n come into play. Scrappey is a comprehensive web scraping API designed to tackle these challenges head-on, while n8n is a versatile workflow automation tool that makes it easy to integrate and automate various processes.

In this section, we’ll briefly introduce Scrappey and n8n, highlighting why they’re the perfect duo for automating your web scraping tasks. By combining Scrappey’s robust scraping capabilities with n8n’s intuitive workflow automation, you can streamline your data collection process and focus on what truly matters—analyzing the data you collect.

Overview of Web Scraping

Web scraping is a powerful technique used to extract large amounts of data from websites, transforming unstructured web pages into structured data that can be analyzed and utilized in various applications. Whether you’re gathering market research information, tracking competitor prices, or compiling bulk data for academic research, web scraping can save time and automate tedious data collection tasks.

Web Scraping is hard

However, the process isn’t without its difficulties. Traditional web scraping methods often run into several common challenges:

  • Anti-Bot Measures: Websites frequently implement security protocols to block automated bots, requiring sophisticated techniques to bypass them.
  • Rotating Proxies: To avoid being flagged and blocked by websites, rotating IP addresses via proxies is essential.
  • CAPTCHAs: Many websites deploy CAPTCHAs to differentiate between human users and bots, making it challenging for standard scraping tools to proceed.

These challenges can make web scraping a complex and labor-intensive task, requiring significant technical know-how and resources. This is where advanced tools like Scrappey and n8n come into play, offering streamlined solutions to overcome these hurdles and automate the process seamlessly.

Why Scrappey and n8n?

Introduction to Scrappey

Scrappey is a feature-rich web scraping API designed to handle the complexities of web scraping so you don’t have to.

Scrappey - A REST API for Web Scraping
  • Anti-Bot Measures: Scrappey is equipped with advanced solutions to bypass anti-bot protocols on websites.
  • Rotating Proxies: It automatically manages proxy rotation to ensure you can scrape data without getting blocked.
  • CAPTCHAs: Scrappey can overcome CAPTCHA challenges, making it easier to access the data you need.
  • Headless Browsers: It employs headless browsers to render web pages like a real user would, ensuring accurate data extraction.

Introduction to n8n

n8n is an easy-to-use workflow automation tool that empowers you to build complex data collection and processing workflows without needing extensive coding skills.

n8n cloud - Automate without limits
  • Visual Workflow Creation: Its intuitive visual interface allows for easy configuration and monitoring of workflows.
  • Versatile Integrations: n8n supports a broad range of integrations with APIs and web services, including the Scrappey API.
  • Flexibility and Power: It enables the automation of various tasks, from data collection to data processing and integration into other tools or databases.

The Synergy

Combining Scrappey’s robust scraping capabilities with n8n’s flexible workflow automation leads to a powerful, seamless system for data extraction and processing.

  • Efficiency: Scrappey takes care of the technical scraping challenges, while n8n provides an easy-to-follow interface for setting up and managing workflows.
  • Scalability: This combination allows you to easily scale your web scraping efforts as your data needs grow.
  • Ease of Use: Both tools are designed to simplify complex processes, making web scraping accessible and manageable even for non-technical users.

Using Scrappey and n8n together empowers you to create efficient, automated web scraping workflows that save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on analyzing and utilizing the collected data.


Before diving into the workflow creation, you need to ensure you have the necessary accounts and API keys set up. Here’s a quick guide to get you started.

Account Setup

1. Creating a Scrappey Account

  • Visit Scrappey and click on the “Sign Up” button.
  • Fill in your details and complete the registration process.
  • Once your account is created, log in to access your dashboard.

2. Creating an n8n Account

  • Visit n8n and click on “Sign Up” to create an account.
  • After signing up, log in to your n8n dashboard where you can start building workflows.

Obtaining Your Scrappey API Key

To connect Scrappey with n8n, you will need an API key. Follow these steps to obtain it:

1. Log in to Scrappey

  • Navigate to the Scrappey website and log in with your credentials.

2. Access API Key

  • Once logged in, go to your account settings or API section.
  • Copy the API key displayed in your dashboard. This key will be used to authenticate requests from n8n.

Setting Up n8n

If you’re new to n8n, check out our comprehensive setup guide or watch the video below to get started quickly.

Building The Workflow

Scrape every url on the web without getting blocked by Anti-Bot technologies with Scrappey

In this section, we’ll walk through the workflow you built using n8n to automate web scraping with Scrappey. The workflow consists of three nodes: a trigger node to start the workflow on a schedule, a set node to create mock data, and an HTTP Request node to interact with the Scrappey API.

Here you can copy the workflow into your n8n cloud workspace.

Trigger Node

The Trigger node initiates the workflow based on a predefined schedule.

Create Mock Data With a Set Node

The Set node allows you to create mock data to simulate input for the HTTP Request to Scrappey.

At this point you should connect your own dataset, if you have one. You can plug in any kind of data via n8n native connectors. For example Postgres databases, Excel spreadsheets and much more.

Here you can find an overview of all the integrations n8n offers.

Make an HTTP Request to Scrappey

The HTTP Request node will interact with the Scrappey API to perform the web scraping.

The request in the template is just an example. In Scrappey’s documentation you can see how you can construct different kind of requests.

Next Steps

Once your workflow is configured, you can customize it further based on your specific needs, such as adding error handling, additional processing nodes, or different data storage options.


In this article, we’ve explored how to harness the power of Scrappey and n8n to create an automated web scraping workflow. By setting up a scheduled trigger, generating mock data, and making an HTTP request to Scrappey’s API, we’ve demonstrated how to simplify and streamline the web scraping process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Efficiency: Automating web scraping with Scrappey and n8n saves time and reduces manual effort.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your operations by adjusting the frequency and scope of your scraping tasks without significant overhead.
  • User-Friendly: Both Scrappey and n8n are designed to be accessible, even for users without extensive technical backgrounds.

Web scraping doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With tools like Scrappey and n8n, you can overcome typical challenges and create efficient, reliable workflows that handle complex data extraction seamlessly.

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